Since this file isn't a javascript file and the text isn't wrapped in a script tag, VS treats it like a plain text.
If we want to have syntax highlighting and stuff, there's an example on how to add the script tag, then remove it when
being rendered via attributes found here:

You can use these w/ the localize filter by {{"Test.TestString" | localize}}.
You can also pass args into localize by {{"Test.TestFormat" | localize:["Hello", "World"]}} or {{"Test.TestFormat" | localize:[somePrimativeVariable, "World"]}}

	.value("translationDictionary", {
		Error: {
			InvalidFormat:           "This is invalid.",
			MaxLengthReached:        "Maximum {0} characters.",
			NoNGCImageAvailable:     "[[Error.NoNGCImageAvailable]]",
			NoDefaultImageAvailable: "Sorry, no CGC image is available.",
			OverSizeLimit:           "The image you selected exceeds the maximum dimensions of 3600x3600.  Please try again.",
			PleaseCompleteFields:    "Please complete all required fields.",
			Required:                "This is required.",
			SaveError:               "Save failed.",
			UploadError:             "[[Error.UploadError]]",
			UploadTooLarge:          "[[Error.UploadTooLarge]]",
			WaiverSubmitFailed:      "[[Error.WaiverSubmitFailed]]",
		Forms: {
			Address:                "Street Address",
			CardholderName:         "Name on Card",
			City:                   "City",
			CountryRegion:          "Country / Region",
			EmailAddress:           "Email",
			FirstName:              "First Name",
			LastName:               "Last Name",
			Name:                   "Name",
			PhoneNumber:            "Phone Number",
			PostalCode:             "Postal Code",
			Province:               "Province",
			State:                  "State",
		Registry: {
			AddNGCImage:            "[[Registry.AddNGCImage]]",
			AddDefaultImage:        "Add CGC Image",
		Terms: {
			ConfirmDelete:          "Confirm delete",
			DeleteImage:            "Delete Image",
			Image:                  "Image",
			NewImage:               "New Image",
			ReplaceImage:           "Replace Image",
			SwapImageOrder:         "Swap Image Order",
			SwapImageOrder:         "Swap Image Order",
			ViewImage:              "View Image",
			DiscountApplied:        "CODE discount applied",
			FreeExclamation:        "<a href=\'/news/article/11700/\' target=\'_blank\'>Free!</a>",
		CoinExplorerSearch: {
			MaxSearchResults:       "[[CoinExplorerSearch.MaxSearchResults]]",
			NoCoinsFound:           "[[CoinExplorerSearch.NoCoinsFound]]"
		Orderform: {
			Add:                          "Add {0}",
			AddedSuccessfully:            " added successfully! <a href='#order-summary'>View Order Summary</a>",
			Artist:                       "Artist",
			Account:                      "Account",
			Approved:                     "Approved",
			BoothDropOffModalBody:        "The facilitator is only accepting booth drop-off submissions for this event. You must drop your order off in-person at the event between {0} and {1}.",
			BoothDropOffModalBoothNumber: "Your facilitator’s booth # of for this event is: {0}",
			BoothDropOffModalLink:        "Visit <a href='{0}' target='_blank'>{0}</a> for more details.",
			BoothDropOffModalTitle:       "Booth Submission Notice",
			Box:                          "Box",
			Boxes:                        "Boxes",
			CallForPricing:               "Call For Pricing",
			CantFindCollectible:          "I can't find my {0}.",
			CardType:		              "Card Type",
			CertificationNotFound:        "This certification number cannot be found. Please review and try again.",
			Closed:                       "Closed",
			CollectibleInfo:              "Collectible Info",
			CollectibleCardName:          "Card Name",
			CollectibleCardNumber:        "Card #",
			CollectibleNumber:            "Collectible Number",
			ConfirmSignatureClearing:     "Are you sure you want to <strong>delete</strong> the following signature log(s)?",
			ContactCustomerService:       "Please contact customer service.",
			Each:                         "Each",
			Event:                        "Event",
			Expired:                      "Expired",
			FacilitatorRejectedMessage:   "This order was declined by {0} on {1}. For more information, <a href='mailto:{2}' target='_blank'>contact your facilitator</a>.",
			FastTrack:                    "Fast Track",
			FreeUserNote:                 "A paid membership will save you up to 20% off these prices. <a href='/account/membership/' target='_blank' class='text-decoration'>Upgrade Now ></a>",
			Handling:                     "Handling",
			ItemAddOnDisclaimer_JSG:      "If the autograph meets or exceeds your minimum grade, your autograph grade will be printed on the front of the label.",
			ItemAddOnNote_JSG:            "Autograph grading is available for collectibles with up to two autographs only.",
			ItemAddOnPlaceholder_JSG:     "Enter minimum grade (required)",
			ItemAddOnLabel_JSG:           "Minimum Autograph Grade",
			LoadLegacyOrderTimeout:       "Sorry, this order is taking longer to load than expected. If you do not see your order information within 10 minutes, please contact customer service.",
			MarkOrderAs:                  "Are you sure you want to mark this order as <b>{0}</b>?",
			MarkOrderAsCompleted:         "Are you sure you want to <strong>submit</strong> this order to CGC?",
			MascotCheckoutError:          "We ran into an issue while submitting your order. Please try again. If you would like to have your order data sent to Mascot, login to your Mascot account again before resubmitting your order.",
			MaxSearchResults:             "Only the first 50 matches are shown. Enter more search terms to narrow these results.",
			Minimum:                      "min",
			Name:                         "Name",
			NoLabel:                      "[[Orderform.NoLabel]]",
			NonSportsCard:                "Non-sports Card",
			NumberOfWorkingDays:          "# of Working Days",
			Open:                         "Open",
			Pending:                      "Pending",
			PercentFMV:                   "% FMV",
			ReasonForReturn:              "Reason for return",
			Received:                     "Received",
			Rejected:                     "Rejected",
			RejectedExpired:              "Rejected/Expired",
			ReturnShipping:               "Return Shipping",
			Select:                       "Select",
			SelectNumberOfDays:           "Select number of days",
			SignaturesAddAutographTerm:   "Add Autograph",
			SignaturesAddSignatureTerm:   "Add Signature",
			SignaturesArtistName:         "Artist Name",
			SignaturesAutographsHeader:   "Unwitnessed Autographs to be Authenticated by JSA (Add all that apply)",
			SignaturesAutographsNote:     "Enter the name(s) of the autograph(s) being authenticated.",
			SignaturesCannotGuarantee:    "CGC cannot guarantee that the signers you select from this list will be at the show.",
			SignaturesContactFacilitator: "Contact your facilitator for more details about who will be in attendance.",
			SignaturesEnterArtist:        "Enter an artist...",
			SignaturesEnterAutograph:     "Enter an autograph...",
			SignaturesMaximumReached:     "You may have at most 75 signatures per collectible.",
			SignaturesPluralHeader:       "Requested Witnessed Signatures (Add all that apply)",
			SignaturesRemoveTerm:         "Remove",
			SignaturesSearchingTerm:      "Searching...",
			SignaturesSignerExists:       "That signer is already present",
			SignaturesSingularHeader:     "Requested Witnessed Signature(s)",
			Shipping:                     "Shipping",
			SubmissionNumber:             "Order #",
			Submitted:                    "Submitted",
			Subtotal:                     "Subtotal",
			TBD:                          "TBD",
			TelephoneCard:                "Telephone Card",
			Tier:                         "Tier",
			TierOnBoxNote:                "<b>***Note:</b> Clearly and boldly write <strong>{0}</strong> on all sides of the shipping box. These packages will be prioritized.",
			TradingCard:                  "TCG",
			Total:                        "Total",
			UnpaidDealerNote:             "Activating your Authorized Dealer membership will save you 25% off these prices.  <a href='/dealers/benefits/' target='_blank' class='text-decoration'>Learn more ></a>",
			YourCartIsFull:               "Your cart has reached the limit of {0} items. Please check out and start a new submission.",
			PressingModalTitle:           "Don't forget Pressing!",
			PressingModalTextBooks:       "For your best graded books, choose Pressing to remove defects like bends, corner crunches, dirt, spine rolls, ripples and more.",
			PressingModalTextPosters:     "For your best graded posters, choose Pressing to remove defects like bends, corner crunches, dirt, spine rolls, ripples and more.",
			YesAdd:                       "Add {0} for {1} / {2}",
			NoThanks:                     "No Thanks",
			BeforePressing:               "Before",
			AfterPressing:                "After",
			SignatureEnterWitness:        "Enter a witness...",
			SignatureName:                "Name",
			SignatureEnterWitness:        "Enter a witness...",
			SignatureSearching:           "Searching...",
			SignatureAddWitness:          "Add Witness",
			SignatureThisTypeRequires:    "This type of event requires at least one witness.",
			SignatureImUsingANewWitness:  "I'm using a new Witness who's not on the list.",
			SignatureEmail:               "Email",
			SignatureFirstName:           "First Name",
			SignatureLastName:            "Last Name",
			SignaturePleaseProvideEmail:  "Please provide us with an email for your witness so we can send them the appropriate witness paperwork. Your witness is not authorized to work with CGC without this paperwork.",
			SignatureIveRead:             "I've read and understand the following:",
			SignaturePriorThisEvent:      "Prior to this event taking place, a Signature Series Witness Agreement and W-9 must be completed by your new witness and approved by the sig team. A CGC account is required to witness.",
			SignatureWitnessAgreement:    "The Witness Agreement was sent to your witness through the email you provided above. Please ensure your witness completes this.",
		OrderformSite: {
			AddCard:                                               "Add Card",
			AddComic:                                              "[[OrderformSite.AddComic]]",
			AddCoin:                                               "Add Coin",
			AddMagazine:                                           "[[OrderformSite.AddMagazine]]",
			AddPoster:                                             "[[OrderformSite.AddPoster]]",
			AddPrintsPhotosSketches:                               "[[OrderformSite.AddPrintsPhotosSketches]]",
			AddPulp:                                               "[[OrderformSite.AddPulp]]",
			AttributeTooltipCard:                                  "Often refers to a specific color tied to a card. Examples: “Blue Refractor”, “Red Wave”, “X-Fractor”, “Red Ice”. If unsure, please leave blank.",
			AttributeTooltipCoin:                                  "Often refers to a specific color tied to a coin. Examples: “Blue Refractor”, “Red Wave”, “X-Fractor”, “Red Ice”. If unsure, please leave blank.",
			CardCCGAddress:                                        "CGCTC<br />P.O. Box 4701<br />Sarasota, FL 34230",
			CardCCGAddressNonPO:                                   "CGCTC<br />5501 Communications Parkway<br />Sarasota, FL 34240",
			CardIncluded:                                          "Cards Included",
			CardLookupTooltip:                                     "For the best search results, we recommend searching by player or card name, card number, set number, manufacturer and year. If there are too many matches, try adding language, variant, attributes and rarity.",
			CardPackingInstructions:                               "Pack your cards in the order that appears on the PACKING LIST, NOT THE ORDER IN WHICH YOU ENTERED THEM.<br />Failure to do so will result in delays.",
			CardPackingSlipMessage:                                "<strong>Please print your full packing slip and include it with your shipment.</strong> <a target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href='/services/shipping-cards-to-cgc/' class='text-decoration'>Click here</a> for detailed Packing Instructions.",
			CardPrivateSigningPackingInstructions:                 "<p><b>Please follow these instructions closely when preparing your shipment:</b></p><p>Submissions will NOT be accepted unless these instructions have been fully completed.</p><ol><li>Print your full CGC packing slip and include it with your shipment.</li><li>Place each collectible in a protective sleeve.</li><li>Adhere the white tile card to the protective sleeve. THE WHITE TILE CARD SHOULD NOT TOUCH THE COLLECTIBLE DIRECTLY.</li><li>Make sure to pack your collectibles in the order that appears on the <strong>PACKING SLIP</strong>, not the order in which you entered them. (Failure to do so will result in delays.)</li><li>Securely pack all collectibles being sent in for the signing.</li></ol><p>Please note that CGC only guarantees the creator's signature under this service. The creator has complete discretion whether to consider any special requests made on window bags, such as the pen color or location of the signature. The submitter may request the desired Remarque. Important: The final design and subject matter of the remarque is at the artist's discretion, CGC cannot guarantee Remarque requests.</p>",
			CardPlural:                                            "Cards",
			CardTypeaheadPlaceholder:                              "Enter card name, card number, set name, language, etc.",
			CoinTypeaheadPlaceholder:                              "Enter coin name, coin number, set name, language, etc.",
			CardSingular:                                          "Card",
			CoinLookupTooltip:                                     "For the best search results, we recommend searching by player or coin name, coin number, set number, manufacturer and year. If there are too many matches, try adding language, variant, attributes and rarity.",
			CoinSingular:                                          "Coin",
			CoinPlural:                                            "Coins",
			CoinType:                                              "Coin Type",
			CGC_CCGAddress:                                        "[[OrderformSite.CGC_CCGAddress]]",
			CGC_CCGAddressNonPO:                                   "[[OrderformSite.CGC_CCGAddressNonPO]]",
			ComicIncluded:                                         "[[OrderformSite.ComicIncluded]]",
			ComicLookupTooltip:                                    "[[OrderformSite.ComicLookupTooltip]]",
			ComicPackingInstructions:                              "[[OrderformSite.ComicPackingInstructions]]",
			ComicPackingSlipMessage:                               "[[OrderformSite.ComicPackingSlipMessage]]",
			ComicPlural:                                           "[[OrderformSite.ComicPlural]]",
			ComicPrivateSigningPackingInstructions:                "[[OrderformSite.ComicPrivateSigningPackingInstructions]]",
			ComicTypeaheadPlaceholder:                             "[[OrderformSite.ComicTypeaheadPlaceholder]]",
			ComicSingular:                                         "[[OrderformSite.ComicSingular]]",
			DeclaredValueTooltip:                                  "Your best estimate of the current fair market value of the collectible, based on a recent purchase price, a comparable sales result, a price guide or other reasonable method. For ungraded (raw) collectibles, base the declared value on an ungraded example. For graded (encapsulated) collectibles, base the declared value on an equivalent collectible of the same grade.<br><br>If you are submitting more than one of the same collectible, enter the declared value per collectible rather than the total declared value.",
			ExcludeDefaultValue:                                   "{0} is not valid for the current combination of Services, Tiers, or Add-Ons.",
			FacilitatorEventTierDisclaimer:                        "The fees displayed here are for CGC services only. Please <a href='mailto:{0}' target='_blank'>contact your facilitator</a> regarding facilitator fees.",
			FacilitatorNotesPlaceholder:                           "Add signature/sketch request notes for your facilitator here (150 characters maximum).",
			IsNewsstandTooltip:                                    "[[OrderformSite.IsNewsstandTooltip]]",
			MagazineCCGAddress:                                    "[[OrderformSite.MagazineCCGAddress]]",
			MagazineCCGAddressNonPO:                               "[[OrderformSite.MagazineCCGAddressNonPO]]",
			MagazineIncluded:                                      "[[OrderformSite.MagazineIncluded]]",
			MagazineLookupTooltip:                                 "[[OrderformSite.MagazineLookupTooltip]]",
			MagazinePackingInstructions:                           "[[OrderformSite.MagazinePackingInstructions]]",
			MagazinePackingSlipMessage:                            "[[OrderformSite.MagazinePackingSlipMessage]]",
			MagazinePlural:                                        "[[OrderformSite.MagazinePlural]]",
			MagazinePrivateSigningPackingInstructions:             "[[OrderformSite.MagazinePrivateSigningPackingInstructions]]",
			MagazineTypeaheadPlaceholder:                          "[[OrderformSite.MagazineTypeaheadPlaceholder]]",
			MagazineSingular:                                      "[[OrderformSite.MagazineSingular]]",
			MascotButton:                                          "Connect to Mascot",
			MascotDescription:                                     "Connect to or create your Mascot account. Once the CGC certification process is complete, your graded collectible information will be imported directly to your Mascot account. Mascot is a trusted platform to list items across one or multiple secondary market channels. When an item sells on one channel, Mascot instantly and automatically delists the item from all other channels.",
			MascotDescriptionConnected:                            "Once the CGC certification process is complete, your graded collectible information will be imported directly to your Mascot account. Mascot is a trusted platform to list items across one or multiple secondary market channels. When an item sells on one channel, Mascot instantly and automatically delists the item from all other channels.",
			MascotDisconnect:                                      "Disconnect Mascot",
			MascotTitle:                                           "Planning to list your graded collectibles for sale?",
			MascotTitleConnected:                                  "Your Mascot account is connected!",
			MaxFMVExceeded:                                        "Your declared value exceeds our {0} insurance limit per package.  Please change your declared value, separate your items and submit in multiple orders, or <a href='/contact/' target='_blank'>contact CGC</a> to make special arrangements.",
			MissingInboundShippingLabel:                           "There was an error retrieving your pre-paid shipping label. Please try again in a few moments. To contact customer service, please email: <a href='mailto:service@cgccards.com' target='_blank'>service@cgccards.com</a> or call 1-877-662-6642 (toll free).",
			MustBeIncludedWith:                                    "{0} is only available when selecting {1}",
			NonSportsCard:				                           "Non-sports Card",
			NonSportsCoin:			                               "Non-sports Coin",
			OptionalNotesTitle:                                    "Notes (optional)",
			PosterCCGAddress:                                      "[[OrderformSite.PosterCCGAddress]]",
			PosterCCGAddressNonPO:                                 "[[OrderformSite.PosterCCGAddressNonPO]]",
			PosterIncluded:                                        "[[OrderformSite.PosterIncluded]]",
			PosterLookupTooltip:                                   "[[OrderformSite.PosterLookupTooltip]]",
			PosterPackingInstructions:                             "[[OrderformSite.PosterPackingInstructions]]",
			PosterPackingSlipMessage:                              "[[OrderformSite.PosterPackingSlipMessage]]",
			PosterPlural:                                          "[[OrderformSite.PosterPlural]]",
			PosterTypeaheadPlaceholder:                            "[[OrderformSite.PosterTypeaheadPlaceholder]]",
			PosterSingular:                                        "[[OrderformSite.PosterSingular]]",
			PrintsPhotosSketchesIncluded:                          "[[OrderformSite.PrintsPhotosSketchesIncluded]]",
			PrintsPhotosSketchesPackingInstructions:               "[[OrderformSite.PrintsPhotosSketchesPackingInstructions]]",
			PrintsPhotosSketchesPackingSlipMessage:                "[[OrderformSite.PrintsPhotosSketchesPackingSlipMessage]]",
			PrintsPhotosSketchesPlural:                            "[[OrderformSite.PrintsPhotosSketchesPlural]]",
			PrintsPhotosSketchesPrivateSigningPackingInstructions: "[[OrderformSite.PrintsPhotosSketchesPrivateSigningPackingInstructions]]",
			PrintsPhotosSketchesSingular:                          "[[OrderformSite.PrintsPhotosSketchesSingular]]",
			PrivateSigningPackingInstructions:                     "[[OrderformSite.PrivateSigningPackingInstructions]]",
			PrivateSigningRequestTitle:                            "{0} Request",
			PulpIncluded:                                          "[[OrderformSite.PulpIncluded]]",
			PulpLookupTooltip:                                     "[[OrderformSite.PulpLookupTooltip]]",
			PulpPackingInstructions:                               "[[OrderformSite.PulpPackingInstructions]]",
			PulpPackingSlipMessage:                                "[[OrderformSite.PulpPackingSlipMessage]]",
			PulpSingular:                                          "[[OrderformSite.PulpSingular]]",
			PulpPlural:                                            "[[OrderformSite.PulpPlural]]",
			PulpPrivateSigningPackingInstructions:                 "[[OrderformSite.PulpPrivateSigningPackingInstructions]]",
			PulpTypeaheadPlaceholder:                              "[[OrderformSite.PulpTypeaheadPlaceholder]]",
			RemarqueRequestTitle:                                  "Remarque Request",
			RemarquePlaceholder:                                   "Describe the remarque you would like the artist to add here (150 characters maximum).",
			SketchCoverRequestTitle:                               "Sketch Request",
			SketchCoverPlaceholder:                                "Describe what you want the artist to sketch on your collectible here (150 characters maximum).",
			SpecialGameNote:                                       "[[OrderformSite.SpecialGameNote]]",
			TradingCard:                                           "TCG",
			UnableToCombine:                                       "{0} may not be combined with  {1}",
			CollectibleCoinNumber:                                 "Coin #",
			CollectibleCoinName:                                   "Coin Name",
			NonSportsCoin:                                         "Non-sports Coin",
			SportsCard:                                            "Sports Card",
			SportsCoin:                                            "Sports Coin",
			SubsetTooltipCards:                                    "Used to refer to a themed group of cards within the larger base set or set within the set. Example: Silver Sluggers is a subset of the 2020 Topps Baseball Set. If unsure, please leave blank.",
			SubsetTooltipCoins:                                    "Used to refer to a themed group of coins within the larger base set or set within the set. Example: Silver Sluggers is a subset of the 2020 Topps Baseball Set. If unsure, please leave blank.",
			VariantTooltipCard:                                    "This is typically a defining feature of the card, release information, or both. If you are unsure, please leave blank.",
			VariantTooltipCoin:                                    "This is typically a defining feature of the coin, release information, or both. If you are unsure, please leave blank."
		DealerLocator: {
			Banknotes:    "Banknotes",
			Coins:        "Coins",
			Comics:       "Comics",
			SportsCards:  "Sports Cards",
			TradingCards: "Trading Cards"
		PopReport: {
			PopulationTypeSuffix:    " Card Population Report by CGC Cards",
			PopulationReportCards:   " Cards",
			Grade:                   "Grade",
			SubGrades:               "Sub-Grades",
			Collectibletcg:          "TCGs",
			Collectiblesports:       "Sports Cards",
			'Collectiblenon-sports': "Non-sports Cards",