The Fastest Grading in the Hobby Is Here with CGC Cards On-site at Fanatics Collect

Posted on 9/16/2024

Take advantage of expedited turnaround times, $9 grading and an authentication-only service.

As of today, CGC Cards’ full-time, on-site operation at Fanatics Collect’s Tigard, Oregon, facility is up and running, providing you with access to expedited authentication and grading turnaround times targeted at 24 hours. We’re also offering a new low-cost authentication-only service with pricing as low as $3 per card.

The on-site operation enables collectors and dealers to seamlessly authenticate and grade their collectibles through CGC Cards, and then immediately sell or store them in the Fanatics Collect Vault.

This service will be available to any Fanatics Collect user who submits raw cards for authentication, grading and sale in a Weekly or Premier Auction, or the Buy Now marketplace or vaulting. As an authentication and grading partner, CGC Cards offers Fanatics Collect users access to preferred pricing of $9 per card for grading.

The authentication-only service is $3/card if sold on Fanatics Collect within 30 days of authentication or $6 per card if vaulted.

On-site grading is recommended for cards with a market value of at least $50, with authentication open for cards with a market value of at least $10.

The authentication-only service provides expert review and verification of card authenticity. It’s a lower-priced alternative to numerical grading and encapsulation, which gives collectors the peace of mind that comes with knowing their purchases are genuine.

CGC Cards’ on-site authentication and grading eliminates transit time between Fanatics Collect and CGC Cards, allowing you to get your cards on the market and in front of thousands of potential buyers worldwide even quicker.

There are no submission minimums or maximums, and you can skip the tedious paperwork, photography, titling, listing, payment chasing and multiple sends traditionally associated with grading and selling your cards. Fanatics Collect users can submit their cards for grading, imaging, titling and listing in one go. Moreover, Fanatics Collect manages payments and facilitates ownership transfers seamlessly.

Go to and submit your cards for CGC Cards authentication and grading today!

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