The CGC Cards Grading Process
CGC Cards uses a proven, multi-step process that is designed to ensure accuracy, consistency and integrity while safeguarding your valuable cards during certification. Explore the key stages of the CGC Cards grading process below.
When a submission is received, it is opened by trained CGC Cards staff under security cameras and immediately checked against the submission paperwork. The submission is then entered into CGC Cards’ proprietary tracking system with a unique submission number.
Each card gets a more detailed review to confirm that its description matches the information provided by the submitter. A unique ID and barcode are assigned to track the card throughout the CGC Cards grading process. At this stage, the card is separated from the submission paperwork so that the CGC Cards graders don’t know the submitter’s identity. This helps to ensure complete impartiality.
Cards are stored in CGC Cards’ vault until they are ready to be reviewed for authenticity. If a card is determined to be genuine, it will be graded according to the market-friendly CGC Cards Grading Scale. Note: A card will be rejected for grading if it is of questionable authenticity.
Card grading is a team effort, with multiple CGC Cards professionals examining every card aided by advanced technology, ensuring the highest level of accuracy and consistency. Each grader enters their grade into CGC Cards’ proprietary system. A consensus is then reached on the final grade of the card. TCG and non-sports experts evaluate those types of cards, while sports card experts evaluate sports.
After grading, the card and a label bearing its description, grade, certification number and a QR code are inserted into a CGC Cards holder, which is crystal-clear and provides superior long-term protection. Numerous security features in both the holder and label guard against counterfeiting and tampering.
CGC Cards images all graded cards after encapsulation. To check the legitimacy of a CGC-certified card, these images are available to view 24/7 on the CGC Cards website using the Verify CGC Certification tool. CGC Cards also offers premium high-resolution digital imaging as an add-on service for submissions.
Quality Control
A CGC Cards Quality Control Specialist carefully inspects the card, label and holder. All of the certification details are reviewed for accuracy, and the holder is checked for any defects or contaminants.
Packaging and Shipping
Finally, encapsulated cards are individually counted and checked against the original submission paperwork. Cards are then securely packaged in a sturdy cardboard box with protective packaging materials. The CGC-certified cards are now ready to be sent back to the submitter.